Training on Educational Apps
The second day of training in Athens was held at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre. Teachers were introduced to educational...

Mr. Bit Rambusch - Vice President of Dell in our school today.
The children from sixth class gave an excellent presentation today on their VEX Robotics project, during the visit of Mr Bit Rambusch (...

STEM for all seasons teachers in Athens
It is a pleasure to welcome 15 teachers from the project in Athens! The first day's programme included a "tough" morning on raspberry pi...

Summer has arrived in limerick at last. The temperature today was 20 degrees.

Climatic glass
While it rained outside (6 °C), our children worked with a "climatic glass". They created a closed water circuit in the glass. The system...

All Aboard 2017.
Enjoying presenting our STEM project work in the local college of education.

Disseminating our STEM Project
Our students attended the All Aboard 2017 - Digital Primary School Showcase event in Mary Immaculate College to display their STEM...

Snow in april!
April is a crazy month! Today it snowed. Everybody was surprised.