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STEM« day at Vižmarje Brod

STEM« day at Vižmarje Brod, Friday 5 January 2018 We organised a STEM day at our school, with four classes of 7 graders. Topics:  Weather Station  Weather phenomena  Robotics  Scratch We used our school weather station as the tool for measurements. The students were divided into 4 working groups: Group 1, mentor Andreja Janša. This group was introduced to basics of a weather forecast and weather chart. Students learnt how to interpret such charts. They now know the definitions of warm front, occluded front, etc. Students used the data taken from the school weather station and they produced their own weather forecast. They also produced a board game related to the weather topics.

Group 3, mentor Mojca Mikeln. Students researced weather phenomena, and how they can cause trouble. They produced a graph of the snow fall in Slovenia for the past 60 years, and found folk sayings/proverbs related to weather.

Group 3, mentor Jaka Lipar. Following the Teachers Training event in Ireland in February 2017, and following the project idea to integrate the robotics into our curriculum, the students built up Lego robots.

Group 4, mentor Tomaž Murn. This group used Scratch to produce weather forecast.

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