Congress (23rd and 24th of March): "The sun when it is born is for all"
Congress of the 23rd and 24th of March presents STEM For All Seasons Project and works carried out, so far, by students within the scope...

How is the weather in Portugal (Vila de Nelas) today?(http://meteo.aenelas.edu.pt/)
The drought period, fortunately, has surpassed, March was the wettest month that we can remember, as if Nature was compensating us for...

Working with Raspberry Pis
Students of the 6th Grade took their chances and tried to make a Light House sign, using Raspberry Pis a there equipment. The right code...

STEM« day at Vižmarje Brod
STEM« day at Vižmarje Brod, Friday 5 January 2018 We organised a STEM day at our school, with four classes of 7 graders. Topics: ...

Gifted students give classes to students aged 4 to 12 in Portugal, under the STEM For All Seasons Pr
Here are pictures of the excellent lessons of the following students: - Érica (28-02-2018) - Gonçalo (07-03-2018) - Filipa (07-03-2018) ...

Implementation of lesson plans
One of the students that are part of the STEM For All Seasons Project in Portugal - Gonçalo - gave yesterday and today two classes to...